Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good bus driver

The other night I just made it onto the bus before the storm broke and it rained the entire way home. As I was the last passenger on the bus, the driver very kindly went a little off route and dropped me off very close to home so that I didn't get as wet.

This is another example of Ventura being the good bus company!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Driver refuses to let me board bus

This morning I waited 20 minutes for the Sita (402) bus in Grattan St with another woman. Eventually the bus arrived and as the other woman boarded the bus driver said, "You can get on but I am running late so I don't have time to let the woman in the wheelchair on".

I heard this and had to argue strongly before the driver would let me get on the bus!

This is not the first time that this has happened with this bus route. I contacted the bus company (again) and they apologised (again) and said that the bus driver would be counselled/disciplined (again) but I have heard this before and nothing seems to get better.

I never have this problem with Ventura bus drivers - only ever with Sita bus drivers. There is a real corporate culture/attitude difference between these two bus companies. I would love to know if others have had problems with Sita?

Bus ramp again!

Stuck on the bus for 10 minutes last night when the bus ramp wouldn't work when we got to my stop. Eventually the driver managed to get the ramp down so that I could get off the bus! Otherwise I would have had to get a ramp brought from home to enable me to get home.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Carlton Post Offices

Neither of the 2 post offices in Carlton have wheelchair access. Despite reporting this to Australia Post almost 2 years ago, they are still "investigating" and we are still waiting for a response!

Roundabout traffic

On Sunday 16 August attending Melbourne Uni Open Day we parked in Peel Street. When crossing the large roundabout at the corners of Elizabeth Street and Flemington Road the island in Elizabeth St does not have a ramp so cannot cross the street at the lights. We have to fight the cars in the roundabout and force cars to stop in Elizabeth St just to cross the road.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Letters to the editor

To learn more about some of my views please read:

Don't make it harder for those who are disabled

On four wheels

Taken for ride

News stories

To learn more about my experiences please read the following news stories:

(Picture from article in The Australian 16 May 2009, titled "Barriers of the Mind")

Stops for disabled wait for low-floor trams

WorkFocus Australia and JobAccess celebrate 25000 enquiries

Next tram years away for disabled travellers

Stops wait for trams
Sunday Herald Sun 7 September 2008

Bus ramps

On 12 August when wheeling onto the 250 bus the ramp retracted leaving me stuck with the back wheels of my wheelchair hanging off the edge. I had to grab the rail to hold on and as my muscles are weak (the reason I am in a wheelchair) this was difficult and I badly strained all the muscles in my arm and back.

On the way home from work, the ramp on the bus did not work so I could not get onto the bus and had to wait half an hour for the next bus in the freezing cold.

Not a good day for public transport!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lack of superstops

On 9 August, I caught a 109 tram from Port Melbourne to see my son playing in a concert in North Balwyn. After going through Richmond I asked the driver where the next superstop was so that I could get off the tram. Amazingly, the tram driver had no idea!

I had to go to the end of the line in Mont Albert to get off the tram, and then spent another hour getting to the concert under my own steam!